Why Freecycle International?
freecycle.org has set up some rules for freecycle groups, some flexible, some more rigid than others. This flexibility is highly appreciated and give local moderators some leeway to structure their groups according to local situations. There seem to be a rule/guideline that says items OFFERed should involve should be items that help divert things away from dumpsites? So items like free gmail account, software, services are a no no as these are not physical things.
Over at Malaysia Freecycle Network, we have had offers of gmail accounts, an interesting variant of Chinese chess software, CD, even free advice (partly in fun and fully serious and RELEVANT to freecycle). Someone even posted a WANTED message for malabar spinach berries/seeds. All these can easily be shipped, downloaded or read from anywhere in this whole wide world, and definately can be beneficial to members. So, why restrict them? Members are of course into freecycle because of the noble motivation of wanting to divert things from dumpsites, helping the environment, helping others. But what exactly is wrong with occassionally benefiting from our frecycle activities and having some fun in the meantime? Do we want to be dour, rigid, fun killing, repulsive freecycle people?
Since idle chatter is also discouraged in freecycle groups, we think it is a good idea to set up a blog for people read what others think, to empty their thoughts, influence the direction our groups are going, etc. So here it is folks:
Comments have been enabled, even for anonymous commentors, so if you so decide, you can choose to not register/log in. You can easily click on the [comment] button and leave us your thoughts. We are not worried about inappropriate comments as comments that are pornographic, irrevelavant, etc. can easily be deleted so as to not offend visitors.
Over at Malaysia Freecycle Network, we have had offers of gmail accounts, an interesting variant of Chinese chess software, CD, even free advice (partly in fun and fully serious and RELEVANT to freecycle). Someone even posted a WANTED message for malabar spinach berries/seeds. All these can easily be shipped, downloaded or read from anywhere in this whole wide world, and definately can be beneficial to members. So, why restrict them? Members are of course into freecycle because of the noble motivation of wanting to divert things from dumpsites, helping the environment, helping others. But what exactly is wrong with occassionally benefiting from our frecycle activities and having some fun in the meantime? Do we want to be dour, rigid, fun killing, repulsive freecycle people?
Since idle chatter is also discouraged in freecycle groups, we think it is a good idea to set up a blog for people read what others think, to empty their thoughts, influence the direction our groups are going, etc. So here it is folks:
Comments have been enabled, even for anonymous commentors, so if you so decide, you can choose to not register/log in. You can easily click on the [comment] button and leave us your thoughts. We are not worried about inappropriate comments as comments that are pornographic, irrevelavant, etc. can easily be deleted so as to not offend visitors.
I think people on the freecycle network should not answer to a WANTED posting offering the wanted items for sale. I have personally received one such email privately on my WANTED posting saying they have the item but since it's part of his business, I'd have to pay for it.
I don't think that's the freecycle way. Or am I just being cheap?
Hi Empress,
Thanks for commenting. You are definately not "cheap". Nothing wrong with wanting to go frugal. Just that there will always be some people wanting to make use of freecycle for their own purpose. I see nothing wrong with that as long as they do not abuse the system. Freecycle need recievers almost as much as givers and our group welcome them. How would freecycle work if there is nobody to take things we want to give away? Further, who knows, we may even convert some of the casual members into committed freecycle
(trade marked) people one fine day
Hey Cikgu:
Look at this....
I'm not exactly sure how this ties into Freecycle, but I feel like it certainly is worth looking at!
You're the "doctor". What do you think?
"The Freecycle Rag" www.pizzabob.com/freesharing2.html
"The Freecycle Rag" a great song which explains what Freecycling is
all about. This is poor mans copy and is free to distribute but not
change. It is a registered and copyrighted song by BMI. Singer
Songwriter Bob Neace, aka 'Pizza Bob', who is a local singer in
Brevard County, Florida and an aspiring Country Western performer,
wrote and also performs the song.
Link Correction re: "The Freecycle Rag"
"The Freecycle Rag" a great song which explains what Freecycling is
all about. This is poor mans copy and is free to distribute but not
change. It is a registered and copyrighted song by BMI. Singer
Songwriter Bob Neace, aka 'Pizza Bob', who is a local singer in
Brevard County, Florida and an aspiring Country Western performer, wrote and also performs the song.
Neat idea, but why no new posts?
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